Cool Careers in Council 2024 East Loddon VCE Vocational Major students take over Loddon Shire Council to explore the different career pathways on offer.
There are so many different jobs at Loddon Shire Council, from administration and corporate services through to things such as community wellbeing and outdoor roles like gardening, roads and general maintenance.
With this many roles, Loddon Shire Council are always looking for new ways to attract staff to sustain their workforce and therefore the services they offer to the community. They want young people to see the many employment opportunities at the council, and for young people to see themselves working there.
In Term 2, Year 11 and 12 VM students from East Loddon P/12 school worked as a team to design new materials to help recruit the future workforce of LSC. They spent time at the council, getting to know the different jobs, as well as the organisation and the people who live and work there. They created bios of some of these people and their pathways, showing what it’s like to work in their job and how they got there. Working with mentors, they then developed accessible and youth-friendly materials that will help promote these roles to future workers. Through this Take Over, students completed the following Vocational Major curriculum:
Unit 1 Area of Study 1 – Literacy For Personal Use Outcome 1 – Demonstrate understanding of how text types are constructed for different purposes, audiences and contexts through a range of written, digital, oral and visual responses.
Unit 1 Area of Study 2 – Understanding and creating digital texts Outcome 2 – Apply understanding of the conventions of literacy and digital communication by responding to and creating a range of digital content, suitable for a community, workplace or vocational text.