If you have an interest in matters that effect the education, wellbeing, employment and training outcomes of children and young people; as well as community building and networking approaches that can support our children and families , then you may be interested in being a member of our LLEN.
We currently have members across the region representing education, health, training and employment services providers, business, industry, support agencies, local Government and interested community members.
There is no cost to join the LLEN and we would like to encourage you to become involved.
Membership entitles you to voting rights at our Annual General Meetings, election of Board Members, eligibility to be elected to a position on the Board , quarterly newsletters and invitations related to the work of the North Central LLEN.
We have an online and interactive membership application, [see below]. You can apply for membership straight away!
The Board of the LLEN considers applications for membership at its bi-monthly Board meetings and will respond to requests at that time.
By clicking on this submit button, I hereby agree to become a member of the North Central LLEN Inc. as per their Rules of Association.